During the last few days a handful of media outlets have been running highly interesting headlines regarding Chelsea Clinton's Secret Holding Company. Additionally, an article or two pointed out the highly-significant discount offered to the well-known ugly duckling offspring of one of America’s past presidents who went from rags to riches, make that an Uber dynasty, in record time, thanks to this new phenomena called the Unlimited American Tolerance & Spinal Dysfunction Syndrome.
Chelsea Clinton and hubby Marc Mezvinksy paid $9,250,000 for a four-bedroom apartment in the celebrity-studded Whitman condominium building on Madison Square Park; city records filed this month show. That is $1.2 million less than the $10.5 million asking price, and $750,000 below what the building’s other two occupants paid for their 5,000-square-foot units. All three apartments are nearly identical …
Okay, that’s enough about Chelsea Clinton. Instead, I want to talk about the fastest and surest way to get rich in America today: Run for office, get a public servants position, serve the interest that matters (hint: not the public’s), and then get out, hold out your hand, collect all the payoffs, and become an Uber Millionaire Dynasty in less than 8 years. And for that, I have the perfect example. Here goes.
Bill Clinton, unlike other presidents, did not inherit any wealth, made almost no money prior to his public service career, and gained little net worth during 20 plus years of his public service. However, magically, between the time he left office and 2010, his individual personal net-worth reached an estimated $55,000, 000; that is $55 Million Dollars. Here is what USA Today reported on Clinton’s wealth accumulation in less than 8 years after leaving the White House:
But since leaving office we estimate that Clinton has earned more than $125 million before taxes.
As reported by Wall Street and other publications, Clinton didn't come from a wealthy family or have a high-paying job before becoming president, but earned most of his money from speaking fees. Of course, we all know what ‘speaking fees’ stand for: The surest and safest way to bribe public officials in their postpublic office careers for favors and services rendered during their public service careers; here is what I mean:
A bit less than half of the couple’s income, approximately $52 million, came from speeches given by Bill Clinton, primarily to corporations and business groups, generally at the rate of $100,000 to $450,000 an appearance. These payments are rendered not so much for the content of the speeches themselves, which are negligible in every respect, but rather as something of a lubricant between the cogwheels of the corporate and political establishments.
Let’s examine this a bit further [All Emphasis Mine]:
In tax filings released last week, Democratic Party presidential hopeful Sen. Hillary Clinton of New York and her husband, former President Bill Clinton, reported earnings of some $109 million in the years 2000 to 2007.
The total income translates to about $13.6 million a year. Even after taxes, the Clintons pulled in $10 million a year, or about 200 times the median family income in the United States.
Bill Clinton’s final year in office, the First Couple’s income was $350,000; the next year, it rose to $16 million. Their most lucrative years were 2004 and 2007, when they twice made $20 million.” In other words, in 2007 the Clintons made 57 times more than they did in 2000. These are remarkable figures.
Please read this well-documented detailed report on the meaning and applications of speaking fees and board/advisory positions for post-public office dynasties: Click Here
Of course, emboldened by the American public’s disinterest and unresponsiveness, the Clintons have not been the least bashful in flaunting their ritzy life-style and Nuevo-Rich attitudes:
Clintons threw a $3,000,000 (Read 3 Million Dollar) wedding for their ugly duckling. See the details and breakdown here
They have been buying mansions and yachts, hiring cooks and butlers, and travelling with private jets to get four-figure haircuts and dinners:
Owning several houses and traveling on private jets and yachts, the Clintons spend millions, own property worth millions, and have millions in stocks, bonds, and other investments. How do they pay the many servants, cooks, gardeners, and chauffeurs who work for them?
They set up their own private vineyard and Clinton-Labeled wines.
That’s right, but for the sake of accuracy, let’s gets one glaring fact straight here, ok? You see, all this wealth accumulation applies to the Clintons-as in plural Clinton: The Husband, The Wife, and The Ugly Duckling Offspring. What does that tell you? While the payoffs for Bill Clinton have been taking place during his post-public office non-career career, the application of these pay-offs has involved his Wife while in office-either as a Senator or Secretary of State.
Just think about it: The Clintons were receiving millions of dollars a month from the agenda-driven mega corporations and interest groups between 2000 and 2012, while Hillary Clinton played the public servant role:
The 67th United States Secretary of State from 2009 to 2013, serving under President Barack Obama
Senator from the State of New York from 2000 to 2009
You would think that would ring an alarm bell or two among those concerned with government corruption, ethics, bribery of public officials, and some such. No? Rest assured, content with their regular invitations to the Clinton Dynasty cocktails and balls, neither the liberal NGO parasites nor the socialist-wanna-be media outlets have uttered a single word or waged any finger-pointing. Well, we’ve never expected that from those obvious parasitic colonies, anyway.
What is most mind-boggling, at least for me, is the numbness and unresponsiveness of the American people. In this case no one, I mean no one, can excuse Americans with the usual ‘dumb and uninformed’ waiver. I mean come on! We are talking a bankrupt nation, high unemployment rates, declining life standards, the diminishing Middle-Class, record-high foreclosures and homelessness. And, we are talking about the bold Clintons and the like, together with the American media, flaunting their Uber wealth and dynastic life style daily, openly, and publicly. Even the blindest of the blind, even the dumbest of the dumb, could see all that. No?
Then, what does explain this lack of outrage and reaction? Even the French took it to a point, and then resorted to the guillotine. Here we are, children of the post-revolution, the nation of people historically known for its disdain for anything monarchical or dynastic, and forget the guillotine, no one is even batting an eye in reaction to the corrupt thieves enriching themselves of the backs of the nation’s economically suffering people.
I know everyone is now talking about publicly-funded, aka government-funded, healthcare benefits. But I believe we have a far more urgent public health need - a very specific one. We need major publicly-funded medical operations for our majority- spinal transplants. Almost as rapidly as the bubonic plague, the apathy and spine-less attitude among our people has been spreading and escalating. What we seem to lack the most is the spine to stand up and fight for our freedom and welfare. Well, with the latest medical breakthroughs we may now have an answer: Spinal Transplant. Let’s get every one of our public majority one of those. After that, we’ll be back to talking about bringing back and making use of guillotines. Until then.
Sibel Edmonds is the Publisher & Editor of Boiling Frogs Post and the author of the Memoir Classified Woman: The Sibel Edmonds Story. She is the recipient of the 2006 PEN Newman's Own First Amendment Award for her “commitment to preserving the free flow of information in the United States in a time of growing international isolation and increasing government secrecy” Ms. Edmonds has a MA in Public Policy and International Commerce from George Mason University, a BA in Criminal Justice and Psychology from George Washington University